Some musicians want to further their education by attending a college or university whereas others simply like learning “on the job.” If the resources are there, I see no reason not to do both. I learned so much at Berklee College of Music and I will be forever grateful for that opportunity  While in Boston, I also started gigging and that was a different education, yet equally valid.

It’s been said that it’s best to study harmony, theory, arranging, ear training, etc. and then try to forget it. Go to the gig and play! Learn to know when to use what has been taught — regardless where the knowledge came from. To me, it really doesn’t make a difference where a musician learned what they know. Once on the bandstand, we’re all up there together — regardless of what led us there.

Be proud of your decisions. Please don’t let anyone make you feel that going to a music school makes you less in any way. Schooled musicians are not, by definition, less emotionally connected to music simply because of their schooling. Play for the music and use your education at the same time.

It’s a win-win!

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