I am fortunate enough to play with various musicians in many different groups. Sometimes I’m familiar with the group, but I haven’t done the gig with a particular bass player, e.g. We have both done this gig, but with other players. What can be fun and interesting for me, is to see how different it can be because of this. Even if there is a set groove, bass line, etc. no two players play exactly the same — and I like that. I can lay down a groove that I played for a certain tune the last time, and it can end up sounding very different for this very reason. I can let that bug me, or I can simply go with it. I choose the latter. The tune is still grooving, but in a different way. I may even end up digging it more. I could even change what I’m playing and go with the moment. Again, that’s what I try to do. The less that I compare it to what was done the last time around, then the better it seems. I like being flexible when playing music. It keeps it, well, musical.

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