I play and teach drums for a living. I am grateful for that. I get the opportunity to play music with great musicians. When teaching, I am blessed to be able to pass on my experiences and knowledge in an effort to help other drummers/musicians. My goal is to keep doing this for as long as I am able.

I also want to continue to grow as a musician by being around others who also want to grow. There’s a nice feeling when a fellow musician inspires me to reach for something. I really like that. I try to do that with my students, as well. When I see that happening, then I know I’m doing my job as a teacher. My experience is that it’s a two-way street: I can grow and learn from students as they are learning from me. I have found that the dialog of music is such that being a good listener is required of me. I want to constantly listen and learn, and then pass that skill on whenever possible.

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