I like practicing on drums instead of on a practice pad — usually. Drums are fun and there’s a great feeling that comes from hitting a drum. However, the pad has its place and recently I’ve been working on some specific exercises that work well on the drum pad. Along with my old analog Dr. Beat (my metronome) and the pad, I feel like I’m in college again! I have an app on my phone now for a metronome, but I still like the one I’ve had for years.

One great thing about the pad is that it gives the ability to clearly hear any unevenness in the stickings. When playing and practicing on a snare drum, the snares themselves tend to hide certain things like that. If my stick height is uneven and also when I’m leading with my left hand, I can really hear the difference on the pad. The great thing is, is that I can also fix it if I can hear it. That’s key.

I’m going to integrate the practice pad into my regular practice schedule. I will still enjoy playing and practicing on the drum kit, but the pad has found its way back into my routine.

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