One thing that appeals to me is when the name of something (a drum rudiment, in this case) completely describes what it is at the same time! The multiple bounce roll falls into this category. Yes, it does go by other names — the “buzz roll” and/or the “press roll.” Back in the day, it was referred to by one of the latter names more often than not. However, it has been my experience from my “re-learning” it to teaching it, that students “get it” much quicker when it’s referred to as the multiple bounce roll. One really fun thing I show students is how similar the motion is for this roll and the double stroke roll, e.g. It also applies to playing three notes in a row in a jazz ride pattern, as well.
Freddie Gruber used to talk about setting the stick in motion and then getting out of the way. This seems simple, but (for me) has taken quite a bit of time to get into my brain and hands. That’s why I teach this idea from day one at this point. It’s been my experience that the sooner my students start feeling this, then the better. The name “multiple bounce” is more than just a name. It’s what I’m doing almost all of the time!
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